@article{oai:shudo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001509, author = {海生, 直人 and 坂口, 通則 and カイオ, ナオト and サカグチ, ミチノリ and Kaio, Naoto and Sakaguchi, Michinori}, issue = {1/2}, journal = {経済科学研究}, month = {Feb}, note = {P(論文), In this paper, we treat the checkpoint policies taking account of unsuccessful rollback recovery after computer system failure, where the probability that a rollback recovery completes successfully is constant and the transactions obey the M/M/1 queueing system. We discuss the probabilistic behaviors and the optimum policies maximizing the stationary availability.}, pages = {79--87}, title = {ロールバックリカバリの失敗およびM/M/1型トランザクションを考慮したチェックポイント政策に関する一考察}, volume = {1}, year = {1998}, yomi = {カイオ, ナオト and サカグチ, ミチノリ} }