@article{oai:shudo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000620, author = {笹尾 , 省二 and ササオ , ショウジ and Sasao , Shoji}, issue = {2}, journal = {広島修大論集. 人文編}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), In this paper I took a look at an aspect of social studies being taught at junior high schools in Japan and investigated how much social studies function in order to establish teenagers' subjecthood. It has been said that the subject matter of social studies at junior high schools in Japan is to have students attain an ability to set up for themselves as members of society. The thing which is emphasized now in the course, however, is only to learn historical or social events. In the first half of this essay, the present and real conditions of social studies education at junior high schools in Japan are described in detail and in the second half I discuss how much the government guidelines for teaching for social studies affect course contents. I can not avoid the conclusion that importance of social studies as a part of compulsory education should be reminded by those who are involved in social studies and reproduction of a new and really beneficial curriculum should be started quickly.}, pages = {307--324}, title = {主体性の育成と社会科教育}, volume = {39}, year = {1999}, yomi = {ササオ , ショウジ} }