@article{oai:shudo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000633, author = {佐々木 , 直美 and 小川 , 栄一 and 柿木 , 昇治 and ササキ , ナオミ and オガワ , エイイチ and カキギ , ショウジ and Sasaki , Naomi and Ogawa , Eiichi and Kakigi , Shoji}, issue = {1}, journal = {広島修大論集. 人文編}, month = {Sep}, note = {P(論文), Baum-test, a projective tree drawing test that requiring the subject to draw a fruit tree, is meant as a psychodiagnostic tool to test intelligence and personality. This test has been widely used in clinical and educational fields, due to its easier applicability than the other projective tests (e.g., Rorschach test or TAT). Personality assessment through tree drawing in which the relative sizes of trunks and crowns are important, is supposed to discriminate between normal and psychotic personalities. Past research has shown that normal adolescents trend to draw progressively smaller trunks and larger crowns as they grow older, while the trend is reversed in older subjects. There have been many studies in estimating the Baum-test in quantitative and qualitative ways. Above all, "double drawing method of Baum-test" showing that the second drawing reflects more real reflection than the first one, and "fence technique" showing that the therapist made a fence on the sheet beforehand, have been reviewed in the present paper. In addition, we have developed a new estimating technique, so-called an S-Baum, Shudo-Baume test technique and have reviewed its potential.}, pages = {1--16}, title = {我が国におけるバウムテスト研究の変遷と展望}, volume = {40}, year = {1999}, yomi = {ササキ , ナオミ and オガワ, エイイチ and カキギ , ショウジ} }