@article{oai:shudo-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000686, author = {立野 , 由布子 and 杉之原, 正純 and タツノ , ユウコ and スギノハラ , マサズミ and Tatsuno , Yuko and Suginohara , Masazumi}, issue = {1-1}, journal = {広島修大論集. 人文編}, month = {Sep}, note = {P(論文), EEG biofeedback studies originated with the work of Kamiya in 1968. Recently, it has been used in psychophysiological clinic. But, it still doesn't clear objectively the reason why that how biofeedback training changes our behavioral measures. In experiment 1, we used time estimation tasks to see our behavior changes, and exmined how increase of alpha wave and decrease of it in biofeedback training influence time estimation tasks. As a result, we found that we tended to overestimate when alpha wave increased. In experiment 2, we exmined the aspect of estimated time which we presented at experiment 1 in case of estimation. As a result, we found that our estimations are easy to change in 5 sec and 10 sec. But, there were no difference between three conditions (5 sec, 10 sec, 15 sec). We thought that changes of time estimations in experiment 1 depended on biofeedback training.}, pages = {219--230}, title = {脳波バイオフィードバックに関する一実験的研究 : バイオフィードバック訓練と時間評価}, volume = {41}, year = {2000}, yomi = {タツノ , ユウコ and スギノハラ , マサズミ} }